头像masami, Numerical SImulation of Two-phase Reacting Flows
Published Sep 26, 2018
Check my post in cfd-online
At August, I upgraded my UBUNTU 16.04 to 18.04. This version is great.
However, I met a problem when starting ICEMCFD 18.0 and 19.0.
I check the start script file of icemcfd at “ansys_inc/v191/icemcfd/linux64_amd/bin”. There are two solutions:
If you don’t want to change the icemcfd start script, just run the following command:
icemcfd -log tmp.log
-log is a icemcfd argument, tmp.log is the log file generated at your pwd.
If you use other argument when you start icemcfd, the following solution may be not very good. (I don’t use arguments when start icemcfd, so it works well for me) First- cd to your icemcfd bin dir:
cd /usr/ansys_inc/v191/icemcfd/linux64_amd/bin
Then: edit the icemcfd shell script by any text editor you want, here we use gvim:
gvim icemcfd
change line 607:
eval "$ICEM_ACN/bin/med" "$args"
"$ICEM_ACN/bin/med" $args
or $ICEM_ACN/bin/med